Executive Success Teams
A Small Group within EWTG
Being on an Executive Success Team is an excellent way to get to know other EWTG members in small group settings while developing professional and personal skills. Teams of five to seven members meet monthly to discuss topics of mutual
interest and concern in a supportive and confidential setting. Some members develop life-long friendships with their Executive Success Team.
Team Assignments
Each spring, interested EWTG members fill out profile forms and are matched with Teams using several criteria:
- desired meeting location and time,
- emphasis on professional versus personal development, and
- the assignment of members from the same employer to different Teams.
Once assignments are made, Team members meet and get to hear about other Teams at an Executive Success Team Kick-off event usually held in the Spring each year.
Mentorship Committee
The Executive Success Team Committee, also known as the Mentorship Committee, is chaired by the President-Elect. The Committee guides the Executive Success Team Program and serves as a resource to the Teams.
Meeting Structure
Each Team decides its preference for the structure of its meetings. Some Teams preplan meetings, perhaps with reading assignments to discuss, while other Teams talk about whatever comes up. Either way, there is a Team out there just for
you-treat yourself!
Join an Executive Success Team
Executive Success Teams provide mentoring and support in small group meetings, discussing a wide variety of topics. Team members meet in informal settings to share their professional experience and wisdom on a variety of self-selected
topics. Success teams typically meet once per month from May – April. For more information, email ewtg@ewtg.org.